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Clean Unplugged Data

Once a device plugged into your computer, there will be some space available for it to release or save files. After unplugging, some data of the device may leave on your computer to occupy some space, Driver Booster can clean these unplugged data conveniently and thoroughly to spare more space.

Restore Point

The compatibility of a driver and the system is of great importance, because it has a tight relationship with PC performance. Sometimes if the newly-downloaded driver is not compatible with the system, restoring the old one is essential. If the incompatibility of the new driver and the system occurs, Driver Booster will restore the previous driver in time to avoid potential driver failure.

Delete Installed Package

Installed package is an invisible resource on your computer to occupy storage space. Without deletion, there will be more and more useless installed package on your saving disks. Driver Booster will delete those installed package after installing the programs successfully, leaving no concern about space occupation on your computer.
Completely and Conveniently Clean Useless Driver Files to Provide More Computer Space
Kostenlos downloaden
V 12.3.0 | 30.2 MB
Unterstützt Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP

Alle Funktionen von IObit-Produkten ansehen

RAM Optimizer >
Promptly & Thoroughly Uninstall >
Unauthorized Access Protector & System Reinforcer >
Driver Updates Improve Hardware Performance >

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