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Auto Scan Instantly for Problems

Driver Booster will auto scan your system to find out outdated/mismatched/missing drivers, liberating you from tedious and dull task of manually updating various drivers. Meanwhile, it troubleshoots and fixes all the system driver problems and device driver problems to ensure you stable and efficient PC performance.

One-click Fix for 6 Common Errors

Based on thousands of user feedbacks these years, Driver Booster developers concluded 6 most frequently encountered problems with drivers. In the latest version, Driver Booster was built with 6 independent tools to bring users simple and quick solutions to fix these problems, including no sound of audio devices, network connection problems, device errors, resolution problems of display devices, cleaning data of unplugged devices, and exploring system info for device inventory, etc.

Guarantee You Optimal Device and System Performance

Driver Booster consistently scans the drivers to find out changes to hardware and devices on your system. This on the one hand keeps the devices function properly on your computer, and on the other hand, helps maintain the system stable and efficient.
Download Driver Booster, Let Go All Driver Problems Immediately
Kostenlos downloaden
V 12.3.0 | 30.2 MB
Unterstützt Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP

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