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Fix Bad Resolution of Display Devices

If you find your computer displays with low or wrong resolution, that might be a problem with your graphics drivers – missing/outdated/mismatched/corrupt, etc. Driver Booster can auto scan and update graphics drivers to fix resolution problems with a single click through the light tool.

Clean Unplugged Device Data

Devices unplugged from the computer still leave some data in the system such as registry files, logins, junk files, etc. These data take up the space and potentially result in instability. Driver Booster will simply clean these device data and return you a fresh system.

Display System Information All Together

Driver Booster collects all the hardware and software information on this computer so you needn’t search around one by one. It shows details about operation system, processor and motherboard, memories, displays, networks and other devices on this computer.
Having problems with computer display? Wanna clean unplugged device data? Driver Booster helps.
Kostenlos downloaden
V 12.3.0 | 30.2 MB
Unterstützt Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP

Alle Funktionen von IObit-Produkten ansehen

Customized Security Scan >
Registry Cleaner >
Driver Error Resolver and Optimizer >
Real-time Online Surfing Protector >

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