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SAN FRANCISCO, MAY 4, 2014 – IObit, the leading provider of system utility on PC and Mobile, is proud to announce sponsorship of Zephyr, a new Dota 2 team who has brought storm to Dota 2 community lately by winning the season one of Korea’s Dota 2 league (KDL) and season three of Nexon Sponsorship League (KDL) champion.
With the sponsorship by IObit starting from May 2014, Team Zephyr has been improving by actively practicing their craft and pursuing competition at the highest level. The team is looking forward to upcoming qualifiers of The International 2014 Dota 2 championship.
“We are excited about the sponsorship for Zephyr, for it gives us a great opportunity to set foot in gaming industry,” said Antonio Zhang, the Marketing director at IObit. “With Team Zephyr’s professionalism, we strongly believe that this sponsorship agreement can help them achieve good results in later competition and also lift our brand to a higher level.”
About IObit
Founded in 2004, IObit provides consumers with innovative system utilities for Windows, Mac, and Android OS to greatly enhance their performance and protect them from security threats. IObit is a well-recognized industry leader with more than 100 awards, 250 million downloads and 15 million active users worldwide.
About Zephyr
Zephyr, formed in January 2014, is a new Dota 2 team with member of 5 players. The team relocated themselves to a Korean gaming house in order to participate in the burgeoning Korean Dota scene. Within four months, Zephyr Korea’s Dota 2 league (KDL) and season three of Nexon Sponsorship League (KDL) champion. For more information, please visit: http://zephyrdota.com/
Media Contact:
Jessie Luo, (415) 813-2995
PR Manager
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