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SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 17th 2012 – IObit, the world's leading free system utility software provider, today announces the official release of Advanced SystemCare 6. With new features and a fresh interface, Advanced SystemCare 6 continues to provide PC users with the most powerful and easy to use system utility software on the market.
Millions of PC users are familiar with Advanced SystemCare for its elegantly designed interface, easy-to-use functions and one-stop PC optimization solution. Advanced SystemCare 6 has gone through thousands of hours of beta testing to ensure that the official release is the most stable, powerful, and intuitively designed PC optimization software ever made available to PC users.
Advanced SystemCare 6 is designed for users at all levels of technical expertise. With a new, simplified user interface, Advanced SystemCare 6's 'Smart Scan' button can intelligently provide solutions to most PC performance problems. Users can choose between the simple one button interface or power-users have the option to display the extensive PC utility tools in Expert Mode.
Building on the core functions of previous versions, Advanced SystemCare 6 creates a safer online environment with improved online surfing protection that detects and prevents risky websites and other e-threats from harming the PC. Advanced SystemCare 6 also offers performance monitoring that allows users to watch the health of their PC in real-time. These tools are complimented by a next generation of internet boosting technology and a high-powered disk defragment engine, both designed to speed up system performance. Advanced SystemCare 6 is fully compatible with Windows 8, providing comprehensive protection for the latest version of Windows.
"The launch of ASC V6 comes at just the right time for PC users looking for a new way to get the most out of their PC." says Michael Zhao, Marketing Director of IObit "Our intention is to help Windows users keep their PC running as fast as possible and free from malware threats. The best way we can do this is by creating the most powerful, dependable software on the market, and that is exactly what ASC V6 is."
About Advanced SystemCare V6
Advanced SystemCare 6 provides an always-on, automated, and all-in-one PC care Service with Malware Removal, Privacy Protection, Performance Tune-up, and System Cleaning capabilities. It also creates superior and safer online experience with the latest Surfing Protection and Internet Boost technology, ensuring you top online security and maximum PC performance. For more information and to download, visit http://www.iobit.com/advancedsystemcareper.php
About IObit
Founded in 2004, IObit provides consumers with innovative system utilities for superior PC performance and security. IObit is a recognized industry leader with more than 100 awards and 150 million downloads worldwide.
Media Contact:
Jessie Luo, (415) 813-2995
PR Manager
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