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How do I register my IObit Malware Fighter 8 RC to Pro edition?

If you do not have the program installed, click here to download the latest version of IObit Malware Fighter and install it first.

Step 1: Open your IObit Malware Fighter 8 RC, click Enter Code under Activate Now button at the bottom right of the main screen to open the registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

Step 2: Copy & Paste to enter your license code in the License Code box, and click Register Now button to get Pro version.

Please refer to the pictures below:

How do I refresh my IObit Malware Fighter 8 RC Pro with my new/renewal license code?

Step 1: Open your IObit Malware Fighter 8 RC Pro, click Manage License text link at the bottom right to open the License Manager window.

Please refer to the picture below:

Step 2: Click the Refresh link to open a new registration window.

Please refer to the picture below:

Step 3: Copy & Paste to enter your new/renewal license code, and click Register Now button to get the new service time.

Please refer to the pictures below:

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