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Ads Removal

It’s pretty annoying that there are always Ads here and there on a web page when browsing online. Manually removing those Ads is time-wasting, Advanced SystemCare can just help. There are three browsers supported by Advanced SystemCare to remove Ads, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFox and Chrome. In Status, you can remove ads on Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox by simply turning on the button below, but if you want to remove Ads on Chrome, IObit Surfing Protection & Ads Removal extension in Google store is needed because Google won’t allow third-party programs to change its own settings.


Sometimes you may feel uncomfortable if someone else uses your computer without permission. Especially kids or strangers, they may make some damage to your important files. If you have a camera on your PC, Advanced SystemCare will help you record the people who have access with your computer. Just set up your face model, it will automatically capture the intruders’ image in the background so that you can have a clearly understanding of your computer’s user history.
Achieve Real-time Protection and Browser Security Freely and Easily
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V 18.1.0 | 55.4 MB
Unterstützt Windows 11/Win10/Win8/Win7/Vista/XP

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