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Fix System Weakness

System weakness is always used by cyber criminals to attack computer users. Some users lose their important data and even can’t access the computer because the major system vulnerabilities are not patched in time. Vulnerability Fix feature can scan Windows vulnerabilities and download hot-patches directly from Microsoft server. It’s designed to help users to fix critical security bugs in real time and prevent hacking.

Strenghthen Windows

System may not run well occasionally, and even main system programs like desktop, system update don’t work correctly. IObit Win Fix tool offers system error scanner and advance fix tool to locate and repair general system problems. Besides, MyWin10 feature helps Windows 10 users to optimize system settings in an easier way (such as desktop display and Cortana style) for better PC experience.

Recover Files deleted by Mistake

Have you ever delete some important files by mistake or without realizing? Yes, it happens to many computer users. But how to get back deleted documents, photographs, music files, and videos? Here you are the files recovery utility - IObit Undelete. It’s a small but useful tool in Advanced SystemCare. IObit Undelete can help users scan and restore deleted files in Recycle Bin in a simple way.
Enhance and Repair Your Windows System Using Advanced SystemCare
Kostenlos downloaden
V 18.2.0 | 55.4 MB
Unterstützt Windows 11/Win10/Win8/Win7/Vista/XP

Alle Funktionen von IObit-Produkten ansehen

Anti-Ransomware Protection >
Real-Time Protection & Browser Security >
Driver Error Resolver and Optimizer >
Internet Speed Booster >

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