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Fix Sound Error

Driver Booster can fix most sound driver problems such as no sound or abnormal sound. It can support the repairing of Intel Audio Driver, Realtek Audio Driver and Nvidia Audio Driver etc. Just click on scan and repair, the problems will be away.

Fix Network Failure

Sometimes it’s irritating that the network fails to connect when you need to use it badly. Network failure can be caused by the Network Adapter, which refers to some driver errors. Driver Booster has fixed various Network Failure like Intel network driver problems, Realtek Wireless driver issues and Nvidia WLAN driver problems.

Fix Device Error

Device errors are common during the process you use a computer, most of which are caused by the deficiency of device drivers. These device errors usually come along with an error code, they can be repaired through system settings, but it’s complicated sometimes. With Driver Booster, there is no need to make changes of different settings of a device or its driver. You can get the one-click solution to fix such device error with ease.
Quickly Solve Driver Issues with One-click Solution
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V 12.3.0 | 30.2 MB
Unterstützt Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/Vista/XP

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